How To Use Top Biller Club to Generate Business

Every newsletter is an opportunity to:
- Build your credibility as the subject matter expert
- Increase the number of touch points with clients
- Increase clients' confidence in your expertise
- Create additional opportunities to upsell e.g. Retainer.
I strongly encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and try several of the options.
Top Billers don't assume or stop learning.
Instead, they are on a journey of continuous improvement.
You will find that action and consistency have a multiplier effect. A bit of discipline here will inevitably help you stand out from the crowd.
As always, if you have any queries contact our team at
Take care,
The Top Biller Team
Idea 1: Post one on Linkedin as an article. Click here for a guide on how to do it.
All recruitment agents are competing for clients. The smart ones know how to leverage LinkedIn - the premier social platform for professionals.
If you want to position yourself as a subject matter expert in a crowded industry then you need to build your presence on LinkedIn.
Make sure you’re on it and use these articles to help you along the way. You can use our hand picked, copyright free images to boost engagement and attract eyeballs.
Here's a guide from LinkedIn to help you along:
Idea 2: Send an article as an e-newsletter to past clients.
This one is great as it shows you are still thinking of them.
Not only that, but Clients will start to question the value they’re getting from their current recruitment provider.
While we're talking about email newsletters, make sure you check out this guide to make yours as effective as possible.

Idea 3: Turn an article into a video and post it on Facebook / Youtube / TikTok or Instagram.
This is a great way of building up credibility and gives people a face to connect with.
Video platforms allow for evergreen content to be reposted and quickly shared as well.
Idea 4: Turn an article into a podcast.
If getting in front of a camera isn’t your thing, an audio only podcast can add real value.
This also means that the next time you pick up the phone from a client, voila! They hear a familiar voice.
You don't need to make hour long episodes either.
Jump to 2:43 for an example of highlighting problems and solutions in 5 mins.
Idea 5: Upload an article to your website/landing page as a blog post.
A fast way to build credibility is to have your own website or landing page.
This is a lot easier to create and even low-tech folks can access free templates to get started.
Regularly updating your site with ready-made blogs helps search engine feeds as well. Great if you want to position yourself as a specialist in your field.
Idea 6: Drip feed an article on social media.
Each article contains several nuggets of gold.
You can release it in one hit or use a breadcrumb approach to entice potential clients into your sales funnel.
Idea 7: Post one on Medium (a free blogging platform) as an article, then share a link on social media.
This is a two for one bargain.
Building credibility and creating awareness are essential as they give clients and candidates confidence that you’re the real deal.
Idea 8: Now place a link to the article in your email signature (once it's on your website or LinkedIn or Medium as mentioned above).
This will drive your audience deeper into your sphere.
Every email becomes an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise - even if they don’t read the article!
Idea 9: Place a link to the article in your 'thank you for your business' emails that close the loop on a placement.
Another visual credibility builder even if they don’t click the article link.
Idea 10: Start a blog and post these articles - use a free tool like Substack or Wordpress to get started.
This can get you in front of networks outside your industry.
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