Don't chase vacancies. Chase client meetings.

This Feature Article is for Recruitment Consultants only.
Working in recruitment, it's easy to focus on vacancies and roles.
After all, it's how we get paid.
But it's hard to control how many vacancies we have. When the market is tight they can be extremely difficult to come by.
Even in a buoyant market, we can't just magic one up tomorrow if we want to. We are relying on outside factors.
At the same time most of our goals are centred around vacancies.
We want to list a certain number each week, or a certain number throughout the month.
But what happens when we don't reach our goals?
This can have a massive hit on our confidence.
One dry spell can create weeks (or months) of beating ourselves up for not being able to achieve the success we had hoped for.
What's the cure? Is there a better way?
I'm going to suggest to you that focusing on vacancies is actually the wrong approach.
Instead, what we need to focus on is client meetings.
All our goals should be centred around how many client meetings we want to generate every week.
This is an activity we can directly influence.
Because we can generate more it's a challenge we can solve.
One of the challenges, is that it can be hard to get motivated to chase client meetings when deep down we know that: